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Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The battle begins

Last Thursday, the 11th, there was a grand gathering of administrators and hopeful-teachers. This gathering is known as the northern Utah Teacher job fair. I went to one last year in Salt Lake City and I was so excited to get my feet wet in the hustle and bustle of finding a job. I don't take these things too seriously because I've always been a good interviewee (my record is 5-0). I was probably the only person not dressed up in a suit (although my brown cardigan was quite dapper i must say!) In fact, these little get togethers remind me of the big L.A.R.P. (Live Action Role Playing) matches I see out in front of the high school when I drive up to work. They get all dressed up, all worked up, and then they start to battle on the field of the Logan High School campus with foam and duct taped swords and shields. This scene has always brought a smile to my face. (I'm not afraid to admit that I wouldn't mind joining in one day.)

I've never been worried about finding a job as an elementary teacher. That is until the proverbial crap hit the fan with the economy. The school district turn out this year was worse than last. What once was one of the most secure jobs on the planet is now a no-holds-bar cage match in the job field. The figurative foam shields and swords were in abundance for this conference. The resumes were thick with experience, the stories were rich in content, the pant-suits were pressed, and the B.S. was thick.

I've always thought interviewing candidates for a job would be a tough gig. Let's face it, everyone embellishes their life and work experience at least a little in every job interview. I tried really hard to be as truthful as possible, but then I realized one of the most significant thoughts of my life. This isn't a job an interview for my next job, this is an interview for my CAREER. AGHHHHH!!! I'm a grown up now (kind of), I should start caring about a 401K, benefits, and a salary lane. I need to take this whole CAREER FAIR thing more seriously. After having this brilliant thought, I went into each interview with the biggest smile and the best stories about my teaching credentials. I never lied, I just enhanced my answers a smidgen. Perhaps someone cast a spell of temporary cheesiness on me. I still feel I can hold my head high though.

All in all, the job fair was a success. The interviews for the schools I'm interested in went very well. I'm still crossing my fingers for the Salt Lake City District. I think that may have been my best interview EVER!

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