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Friday, February 19, 2010

A year of Decisions

After graduating from Utah State University in Elementary Education I decided to take a year off and really take time to ask myself, "Self, do you really want to teach?" This is not the first time I have asked myself this question. I switched majors several times (A brief stint in pre-dental then to El. Ed., to Accounting, back to El. Ed., back to Accounting, and finally back to El. Ed.) and decided that I've spent enough time in the program that I better just finish it out instead of wasting thousands of dollars on classes that would be of no use to me. I figured this was the more logical decision instead of opting into a major that might provide me with more money, or one that I would actually enjoy learning about.

So, here I am 9 months after graduation, still pondering the eternal question of, "What do I really want to do with my life?" I'm 27, have a good head on my shoulders, and the whole world in front of me. Lo and behold, this is where the problem lies. THE WHOLE WORLD IS IN FRONT OF ME! Why can't someone just tell me what to do? It's so much easier that way. Too many choices in front of me and the time of deciding what I want to do with the rest of my life is at my feet.

A life of indecisiveness is coming to an end today. YES!!! I'm breaking free of the chains of a content life and daily routines. I've been living in complete complacency and idleness for far too long and now I'm taking the first step to becoming an adult. That first step for me is deciding on a career. I WILL BE A TEACHER! I WILL BE A GREAT TEACHER! I don't want to be the teacher that wakes up every morning thinking, "When is the next holiday?" or "Only 195 days until summer break." I want to be excited to walk into my class. I want my students to be excited to walk into my class. I want to look back 40 years from now and say, "Self, you made the right decision."

This story is 27 years in the making.
The journey of a young teacher getting ready to teach his first year begins.

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