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Sunday, January 29, 2012

And then....

So remember that one time I decided to write a lot and then ended up doing the opposite? Well, that was sooooo 2011. Welcome 2012...February of 2012. OOPS. So it's been awhile so I must have plenty to write about teaching. I know I probably should, but I really don't. I have some challenging students, both academically and behaviorally, but I don't feel I have a lot to report on. Let me see if I can reach into the furthest corners of my mind and bring out something grandiose. Ummmmm, maybe the 6 levels of moral development.

I've worked on this ever since I was in student teaching and I really believe everyone should know about these. I learned about it from my main man Rafe Esquith. He explains them much better than I could, so I will just let him do that. My brother is starting to use them in his class as well and he came up with a brilliant idea. I threw away my old crummy chart that I dabbled with in photoshop and had my brother make new posters that could be hung up in class. It's Star Wars themed and it's great. Here is a look at them.

Well, the kids love it and I hope it makes a little more sense to them when I explain things to them. They are in bookmark form so they can be reminded of them on a daily basis. Also, half of the year is over and I only have 20 kids in my class, down from 24. I guess I'm scaring them off.

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