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Saturday, March 12, 2011

CARPE DIEM...but who has the time?

So the phrase may be a little cliche...especially since Dead Poets Society came out. It seems like every teacher wants to be the next John Keating and be the inspirational teacher that every student looks back on and says, "Remember so-and-so? That teacher changed my life!" Well, I would be lying if I said I never wanted to be that teacher. The fact is I want everyone of my students to look back and say that about me.

I had so many pipe dreams coming into the profession. I wanted to do so much with my students. I wanted to take them to plays, concerts, and musicals every week. I wanted to stay after and show up early to provide extra help to anyone who was struggling. I wanted to start clubs, create programs, and just BE THERE for them when they needed me. Little did I know how exhausting being a teacher would be. Although I do show up 30 minutes early for school to help kids that need one shows up anymore. Although I do take kids to plays and musicals, I can only go about once a month and only take a handful of students. Although I am THERE for my students when they need me...I'm also NOT THERE.

Team meetings, ESL classes, new teacher meetings, math workshops, faculty meetings, and committee meetings. This takes time out of my day. All of these things are supposed to help me reach out and help my kids with different teaching strategies. I think the one strategy that I would like to use is just spending more time with them. It seems to make sense that the more time a student spends learning in school, the better they do in school. Schools that implement longer days usually have better scores in every subject. So can we please get rid of these meetings and instead of TALKING about seizing the day...LET'S ACTUALLY DO IT!

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