MOVE THAT...JUNK! I don't even think a big bus could cover the mess of a room I had as I walked into it that class last school year. Granted, the teacher was moving out of her classroom into another classroom and had just got done packing all of her things into piles to be moved later in the summer. Well, that is the sight of what my 4th graders saw as they came into the class so I could introduce myself as their future teacher on the last day of school. Needless to say, a lot of work had to be done. The next picture is the cleaned up classroom.
Well, my brother, myself, and a legion of helpers got to work and came up with a lot of cool ideas. More close-up pictures to come, but I figured a hodge-podge collection of photos that may or may not be classified as a magic-eye picture with the ability to perhaps cause minor seizures would work for now.
I can't ever hear Europe's 1986 hit "The Final Countdown" without thinking of Gob Bluth. Just an amazing man.
This morning I have completed the new teacher introductions with my school district. It mainly consists of sitting in the district office while everyone who has an important title comes in and talks about their job and how they can help me as a new teacher. It was actually quite helpful and I'm glad that such a program exists. With the conclusion of this meeting I can now start my (DA Da da!) final countdown. I start teaching...with ACTUAL MY OWN Wednesday. The magical date of August 18th is quickly approaching and I'm far from ready. It's coming along, but at a snails pace.
My classroom is looking great, I just need to put everything away and start printing up my SAA-WEET posters and charts for the walls. I just don't know what to put on those posters and charts. I'm sure inspiration will strike me the night before and I'll get it done somehow. The only thing I know about those charts and posters is that cute little clip art of bears hugging hearts, or a cat hanging from a string that positively reminds us to "hang in there" will not be splattered upon them. I've taken a hard line stance about "cutesy" clip-art and posters. Mostly in an effort to maintain good standing in the He-man Woman Haters Club which allows me to be a proud "Man Card" carrier.
Today was great for another reason. I just got my cumulative folders for each of my students. I was looking at their past behavior scores and subject scores. After scanning through them I came to a conclusion. I HAVE THE BEST CLASS EVER! The only sad news is that two of my students have already moved to new schools. I only knew them for a little time, but I'm really crushed that they won't be in my class. I wonder how it's going to feel when I lose all of them at the end of the year. I'll cross that bridge when I get to it I suppose.
I've had a lot of support up to this point and I know I couldn't do it without such great friends and faculty, but especially my family. As I march into my class that first day I know I won't be walking in alone. In fact, I kind of envision it like in the video below, but without the random riot. Also, I don't think anyone will be speaking in German, but who knows for sure.