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Monday, July 26, 2010

Signing My Own Declaration

Tis the Season of Celebration. I was recently pondering upon the beauty of this great nation and state in which I am blessed to live. In Utah, we are happy to receive two days off of work; the 4th of July and the 24th of July. The first, of course, being the day on which our nations founding fathers signed our Declaration of Independence. The latter being the day the mormon pioneers walked into the valley of salty lakes. I found it fitting to receive my contract right around this time.

As I handed in my letter of resignation I was in turn handed my contract for my upcoming teaching job. I pondered this moment for a short time. I was able to compare the similarities I have with the pioneers. (Use your imagination with these comparisons.)Both of us forging our ways into unknown territory. Not knowing how hostile the locals may be, or if the ground would be fertile enough to accomplish our goals of permanent settlement. I could also feel how hesitant the founding fathers may have been before they signed the Declaration of Independence. I looked over my contract several times before my signature found its way onto the paper. The consequences of signing the Declaration of Independence could be seen as TREASON...punishable by DEATH!!! I faced not being able to get a job in Salt Lake, which may mean...SOCIAL DEATH!!! So I'm stretching that last one a bit (I think Logan is the most lovely of places to live...for a college student, or a married couple.)

I never really gave much thought to any of these comparisons to be honest with you. The thing that I actually thought fitting for the signing of my contract was the spirit of celebration this glorious month of July brings. In honor of the fierce battles that followed the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Also, the trials and hardships of migrating across the plains and mountains from Illinois into Utah, I decided to celebrate their sacrifice by sacrificing a little of my take a vacation to Hawaii. Here's to those that made it possible for me to enjoy the warm waters and delicious pineapple of our 50th state.

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